A Journey in Eschatology: A Theological Novel

By Richard P. Belcher.

A Journey in Eschatology: A Theological Novel


What is a more difficult theological quest to unravel than the various views on the "last days" (eschatology)? Ira Pointer finds his mind boggled and bent by the the many terms and claims: is he pre-mil, post-mil, or a-mil? Is he a preterist, a futurist, or historical? Is he pre-trib, mid-trib or post-trib? Not only is Ira on a quest to understand these biblical issues, but at the same time, he's trying to find his true birth parents! The reader may continue to enjoy Richard Belcher's skillful theological novels on the search for mastery of truth in the Christian life,...


1883265215, 9781883265212


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